ISPnext customer cases

Servicebureau Jeugdhulp Haaglanden Signs Digital Care Contracts with ISPnext

Written by ISPnext EN | May 11, 2023 9:32:38 AM

Ed Bötticher, the contract manager, was personally involved in the implementation of ISPnext. Ed says: "At my previous employer, we also worked with ISPnext. After I transferred to the Service Desk, a department which did not yet have a contract and supplier management system, we started a selection process to choose a contract management system. This resulted in purchasing ISPnext."

"ISPnext understands what we need in the social domain to properly perform contract and supplier management. It is a company that is constantly evolving and guides the customer on this journey. For example, ISPnext regularly organises webinars to further explain functionalities and knowledge sessions to share information with each other."