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ISPnext Forest: for a sustainable future

We are pleased to announce that starting from 2024, for every new customer, we will plant twenty trees in the ISPnext forest. The expanding forest symbolizes our collective efforts to create a greener future. Planting trees contributes in a tangible and concrete way to a green and healthy world.

Trees for All

The trees will be planted in collaboration with Trees for All. Trees for All is a Dutch non-profit organization that has been working towards a forested world for almost 25 years. Trees are planted in the Netherlands and abroad through various forest projects. They also raise awareness about the importance of trees. With donations, Trees for All realizes forest projects worldwide, carefully selecting projects based on quality. All Trees for All projects have a broad impact, contributing to a better climate, increased biodiversity, and healthier living conditions.

Collega - Roy de Brouwer - Foto rond
"Planting trees contributes in a concrete and tangible way to a green and healthy world.”

- Roy de Brouwer, Director Marketing | ISPnext

Impact on the environment

The strength of ISPnext lies not only in the connectivity we provide but also in the impact we have on the environment. With our technology platform, we realize sustainability every day by facilitating paperless processes, at more than 400 customers. By collaborating in the ISPnext Forest, we collectively contribute to a more sustainable planet. Together, we can make a difference, tree by tree! Here's to a greener future.
More about ISPnext
Roy-de-Brouwer (1)