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Opt for the security of cloud software

Operational processes are becoming more and more automated. This makes IT even more important to an organisation, and with it come the risks in terms of continuity and security of applications. Cloud software can limit the risks considerably.

One of the biggest issues in any boardroom is to make the organisation more agile and resilient. It must be able to anticipate external developments in a flexible way. “You need extra data for that”, believes Maarten de Ru, Director of Partners & Alliances at ISPnext. “And applications that support operational processes, while at the same time make that data accessible in a user-friendly way. This allows you to look at both the processes and the world around you critically.”

From management to use

Systems are often still hosted within organisations themselves. The IT department is responsible for maintenance of the server, security and upgrades. As more operational processes are automated, the number of applications to be maintained increases. “The knowledge of all those applications then becomes more and more fragmented between a select number of people. The continuity of operational processes is quickly compromised when an employee leaves or an application crashes. The same applies to security issues.” In his view, organisations would do well to switch from managing software to using software. Cloud solutions offer that option. “Take us as an example. ISPnext is a software supplier. Its operation and security is our core task, our raison d’être.”


Users of software in the cloud need not worry about continuity or security. There are independent indicators, such as the ISAE 3402 declaration for outsourcing operational processes, that provide the necessary evidence. Another example concerns the ISO27001 certificate which, for example, demonstrates information security in setting up, implementing, maintaining and improving software.
''Its operation and security is our core task, our raison d’être.''

- Maarten de Ru, Director Operations | ISPnext

More of a burden than a blessing

Cloud solutions do however require greater standardisation of an organisation. Arguments against it are by no means always valid, asserts De Ru. “Customisation is more of a burden than a blessing. The risks and extra costs are underestimated. A great deal of customisation causes problems with upgrades and is no longer applicable over the course of time; better alternatives become available.” With SaaS software (Software-as-a-Service), new functionalities – best practices – are available to all users immediately. “Organisations should ask themselves the critical question as to whether they really cannot get by with the developed standards”, believes De Ru. “Why are best practice processes not sufficient for you? Why would you want to distinguish yourself with back office processes? And why would you run risks with every software update, pay more and maintain knowledge of customisation?”

Integration of third parties

An additional benefit of cloud software is that it makes integration with other applications easier. ERP platforms are also increasingly located in the cloud. Applications can then be linked to them more easily there. ISPnext's Business Spend Management platform is linked to GraydonCreditsafe, amongst others, so that users can view the financial health of suppliers. “This is available to all clients. If such a link has to be achieved one on one with locally installed environments, it is far more expensive.” “As soon as you have applications in the cloud, you can have more data at your disposal”, says De Ru, pointing out another advantage. “That data is more current and can be accessed in a user-friendly way. It helps you to closely examine operational processes, your procurement and supplier management, for example.”

Growth ambitions

“Applications are more secure and the systems run perfectly”, is a frequently heard argument against switching to the cloud. “I want to challenge managers to make a good inventory of which applications there are, who manages them, what risks are associated with each application, and which operational processes are affected if things go wrong. To that I would add the question as to whether all applications are still sufficient if you are following a growth strategy. Does IT support or indeed hamper business ambitions?”

He summarises the benefits of cloud software once more. “It genuinely offers better security, knowledge is safeguarded and in turn continuity. Updates are implemented quickly and outsourcing of IT management lowers costs. It provides peace of mind and, not to mention, you can concentrate on your own operational management.”

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