The ordering platform is not limited to the store's shopping basket. "You have to ensure that employees don't get a 'no,' because otherwise they will start looking for their own channels and addresses without you having a clear view of them. They do need to be able to order things off-contract, but obviously with Finance's approval."
Spend analyses quickly reveal that certain goods are ordered more than once within the organisation. "As soon as volume arises somewhere, that is a signal to enter into an umbrella contract with one or more suppliers. If it's not in the system now, then Purchasing needs to facilitate that or provide good alternatives."
The dashboard displays the percentage of spending that is off-contract. Tanate: “I recently encountered a company where 40% of spending was off-contract. Turning some of that into contracts saved a quick 5% in spending. This is not exaggerated: savings of up to 10% to 15% are very realistic."