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Thomassen Energy goes live with AP Automation

Thomassen Energy has been using AP Automation linked to SAP ECC ERP since July 2023. We speak to Eddy van Binsbergen, Sr. Financial Business Partner at Thomassen Energy. ‘’We started using ISPnext's invoice processing solution because we had lost oversight of invoices. Invoices were previously sent via email. Invoices sent this way were easily lost or something was overlooked. This caused difficulties with invoice processing.’’

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Eddy continues: ‘’The difficulties with invoice processing via email meant our periodic financial closings were not complete. At the same time, problems arose with suppliers because invoices could not be posted in a timely manner and the agreed payment terms were exceeded. There was enormous pressure in this respect. At the end of 2022, the company took the decision to acquire an invoice processing solution, and we opted for ISPnext after a selection process.''

Implementation process

The implementation of AP Automation at Thomassen Energy was done on a tight schedule. They started in April with the aim of going live on 1 July, and they succeeded in this. ‘’The implementation went well and according to schedule. Along with ISPnext, we made this process a top priority, which is why it succeeded so quickly and so well.’’

"Approvers and budget holders can see which invoices are ready to be reviewed in a single summary.''

- Eddy van Binsbergen
Sr. Financial Business Partner | Thomassen Energy

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Meanwhile, Thomassen Energy is using AP Automation to its full satisfaction. ‘’It really is a relief for us. Not just for the administration, but for the approvers and budget holders too. When invoices come in without a purchase order, they are forwarded to the budget holder to review. Invoices that come in with a purchase order are matched straight away. It’s a piece of cake! Approvers and budget holders can see which invoices are ready to be reviewed in a single summary. The software is very user-friendly. Everyone has all the insight and oversight they want.’’



There was a great deal of contact during the implementation process. ''ISPnext did their utmost to meet the tight implementation schedule. They definitely stayed on top of it, and they adapted quickly. We were in contact about the technical challenges and progress every week. Inshort, it was a successful start to a partnership between two companies that place a high value on service!''

About Thomassen Energy B.V.

Thomassen Energy, in collaboration with PSM, supplies innovative clean energy solutions to gas turbine installations worldwide. Thomassen Energy is part of Hanwha Power Systems, a division of Hanwha Energy Corporation, a stock exchange listed conglomerate in South Korea.