Understandably so, Tanate uses the phrase 'Business Spend Management', and the abbreviation BSM, with some trepidation. However, Business Spend Management, he says, is a phrase with depth. It has gained enormous importance. But that happened despite fashionable language, and that is why he enjoys talking about it - pointing out to organisations the benefits they can achieve by getting their Business Spend Management right.
"Business Spend Management, in a nutshell, concerns all the processes and activities required to control an organisation's outgoing cash flows except for personnel costs, which usually go through a payroll system. Expenses for temporary labour such as self-employed and flex workers, however, do belong with BSM rather than payroll. After all, they are seen as suppliers," says Tanate.
And indeed, digitising the Source-to-Pay process is a key activity of ISPnext, as reflected in the interview with Maarten de Ru, Director Partners & Alliances at the company. But Source-to-Pay is just one side of Business Spend Management. "Source-to-Pay is, especially in theory, a process. From the start, when a need for goods or services arises, to the payment after the goods or services have been delivered and invoiced. Source-to-Pay includes activities such as supplier selection, contract negotiation, purchase order management, invoice processing and payment.