Timeconsuming end error-prone
The first problem encountered by the buying party is that many goods and services are still being procured outside of the contracts by various departments within the organisation. “Off-contract purchases can add up to 40% in some cases," Maarten de Ru, Director Partners & Alliances at ISPnext says. "A consequence of this is that certain volume thresholds are not reached or are reached less quickly." But even when this is less of an issue, bonus agreements are by no means always followed up, he notes. “Agreements are not recorded properly. They are often maintained manually in Excel files, fed with data from a variety of systems. This is both time-consuming and error-prone. Especially when staff turnover causes certain people to leave, bonus agreements may become blurred. There is insufficient awareness within the organisation of volume thresholds and to what period of time agreements apply.”
*Rebates are also referred to as 'kick-backs or bonuses'