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John Schouten ISPnext

Unlocking Volume Discounts through Rebate Management

'Volume discount’ is a commonly used term during contract negotiations. Purchasers are aware that negotiations, especially regarding bonus arrangements, can be intense. However, actually claiming the agreed-upon bonuses often falls short. Rebate Management is the remedy for this.

Suppliers aim to cultivate loyalty among their buyers with rebates (also known as kick-backs or bonuses). At the same time, they provide additional incentives to encourage the purchase of larger volumes. They achieve this by reimbursing the buyer a certain amount at the end of a period, provided that they have purchased a specified quantity of items or ordered a certain amount.

Lack of Visibility

During the formation of contracts, purchasers often invest a significant amount of time and energy in such volume agreements. However, the collection of bonuses proves challenging because agreements are not well-documented. "They are often manually tracked, fueled with data from various systems," says John Schouten, Director of Product Management at ISPnext. "This lack of visibility is evident in both Procurement and Finance." An additional consequence of unknown procurement agreements is that within (large) organizations, many goods and services are purchased outside of centrally agreed-upon contracts. "This off-contract share, in some cases, can reach up to 40%. This contributes to certain volume thresholds not being reached or being achieved more slowly."

Expense Reduction

"Traditionally, procurement professionals have regarded the reduction of expenditures as their primary task. According to Schouten, missed bonus discounts constitute only 0.2% of all expenditures. "That is essentially free money, money on the table. You need to ensure that this money ends up in the pocket. To achieve this, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of your orders and the moments when volume discounts come into effect. What are the volume thresholds, and for which product categories and periods do they apply? Subsequently, it is essential to keep your suppliers sharp on these aspects." This can be accomplished through the Business Spend Management (BSM) platform provided by ISPnext.

The platform recently incorporated a dedicated module for Rebate Management. "In practice, rebates are often recorded in Excel files. However, this process is labor-intensive and prone to errors. Moreover, the information is not available in real-time and cannot be easily shared with others. If you only have one contract with volume discounts, it may not be a significant issue. However, in wholesale, manufacturing, retail, and the food & beverage sector, there may be up to a hundred bonus agreements simultaneously. This becomes unwieldy unless you manage it centrally; then, it becomes remarkably easy to handle."

John Schouten ISPnext
"The platform proactively reminds you of deadlines and provides suggestions to maximize discounts."

- John Schouten, Director Product Management | ISPnext

Collaboration with Finance

He explains how the platform operates, "With Vendor & Contract Management, you capture contract agreements. Subsequently, you match them with spending data from all invoices and with the ongoing orders from Procurement and the ERP system. This provides real-time insight into volume discounts, both in terms of what has already been realized and what is yet to be achieved. The platform proactively reminds you of deadlines and offers suggestions to maximize discounts. In this way, Procurement gains a much clearer view of the current status of bonus discounts. These agreements can then be better managed and utilized in close consultation with Finance."

Improved Supplier Relationship

Through the Supplier Portal, a component of the BSM platform, the supplier can independently track agreements, orders, invoices, and discounts in real-time. "This ensures that the supplier also has visibility into the outstanding bonuses," Schouten notes, highlighting a significant ancillary benefit. "Disputes over kickback fees become a thing of the past. At the end of the year, there is often disagreement about what falls under the discount agreements and the order period. This can lead to unpleasant discussions: one party is already factoring in bonuses, while the other expects to achieve certain margins. That clashes." Within the BSM platform, both parties examine the same data originating from the contracts themselves, the invoices, and the outstanding orders. "It involves substantial sums of money. You want to document and monitor that collaboratively. Then, it is clear for both the buyer and the supplier what they are entitled to or not. This enhances the mutual relationship."


ISPnext is the first BSM software provider to integrate such a solution into its cloud platform. "This is unique," Schouten asserts. "The way organizations manage costs and bonuses will transform as a result. It enables organizations to manage procurement bonuses in real-time and effectively. This will lead to significant savings and, therefore, a competitive advantage. Within Business Spend Management, this is truly a game-changer."

"It will result in significant savings and, consequently, a competitive advantage."

"For procurement professionals, he finds Rebate Management in this form highly attractive. 'Normally, Procurement has limited visibility into actual Spend; that lies more within the domain of Finance. Now, the established contract agreements become very tangible. It is money that has been hard-negotiated. With this, you can calculate the payback period concretely. You receive 'cash' back immediately. As a purchaser, you realize earlier agreements, directly benefiting the bottom line.''

Continued Professionalization

The module was developed in collaboration with users of ISPnext's BSM platform. 'You can see that contract and supplier management are undergoing significant professionalization. This movement generates a need to better manage bonus agreements. ''It aligns with ISPnext's broader vision of Business Spend Management. 'We focus on simplifying how organizations control their expenditures. BSM should result in tangible savings. Rebate Management is the latest milestone in that mission. Ultimately, every saved euro contributes to a better business outcome.''

This article has been published in the dutch procurement magazin; DEAL!

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John Schouten ISPnext